Your misplaced aggression will ruin your political career – Baako to Sammy Gyamfi - Ghana Home Page, News,Sports,Facts and Business- VIPI NEWS. GH

Your misplaced aggression will ruin your political career – Baako to Sammy Gyamfi

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Editor-in-Chief of the New Crusading Guide Newspaper, Abdul Malik Kweku Baako has advised the newly elected Communications Officer of the opposition National Democratic Congress (NDC), Sammy Gyamfi to cease getting ahead of himself and stop misfiring salvos at his political opponents.

The young lawyer cum politician has taken a swipe at President Akufo-Addo for “secretly and unceremoniously” attending the Global Citizen Concert held in Johannesburg, South Africa with his relatives.

Mr. Gyamfi in a statement accused the President of failing to “inform Parliament about this trip contrary to the Constitutional imperative to do so whenever the President intends to leave our jurisdiction.

On December 2, 2018, Global Citizen brought together its largest contingency of heads of state, dignitaries, a group of the world’s most talented artists and influencers, and thousands of global citizens to celebrate the centenary of Nelson Mandela.

It was aimed at raising $1 billion for causes such as “ending hunger and increasing access to good nutrition, ending neglected tropical diseases, reducing HIV transmission rates, ensuring every child receives a quality education, reforming and repealing sexist laws, providing funding for women’s health and family planning, and ensuring access to clean water and safe sanitation worldwide.”

Gyamfi asserts that it was entirely wrong for the President to attend such an event especially when there are pressing issues begging for solutions.

“This is the height of insensitivity and irresponsibility on the part of our President. This act also underlines the misplaced priorities of this government,” he said.

“What breaks my heart more is the fact that in times like this, when the cost of fuel is so high, coupled with rising import charges and worsening exchange rate, our President finds it expedient to fly out secretly to enjoy a concert by Jayzee and Beyonce in far away South Africa. Let’s we forget, CETAG is still on strike, all Colleges of Education and the GIJ remain closed. Yet the President is unperturbed, and rather chose to cool off in a foreign land. How does this sit well with the conscience of the President?” he asked.

But it turned out that Sammy Gyamfi’s claim is false as the President in a letter dated November 30, 2018 and addressed to the Speaker of Parliament actually informed Parliament of his decision to honour an invitation to the program.

The letter indicated that the President would be out of the country on December 1, 2018 and return on December 3, 2018.

Commenting on the development on Peace FM Wednesday, Abdul Malik Kweku Baako urged Sammy Gyamfi to eat humble pie and admit that he erred and should learn to double check his facts before making public commentary on national matters.

“I think he’s a very articulate and intelligent young man who has a future in politics, he should be spoken to and told that his new job is a marathon which he’s just began so he should take his time otherwise he’ll run out prematurely. This is a clear misfiring, misplaced aggression. You raise an issue bothering on constitutionality and possible misconduct on the part of a President and when the fallacy in your assertion is exposed you claim the issue is tangential. 

“Allotey Jacobs and Wofa Yaw [Yaw Boateng Gyan] advise that young man to have the courage to accept that this is an error, he should retract it, he should just say I got this wrong and let’s move on. I’ve said this is a marathon. Use your experience to redirect him because I believe he has potential, he’s very intelligent and has a bright future in politics but he should careful of misplaced aggression otherwise he’ll prematurely destroy his carrier.”

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